Well, it's a little late, but I'm finally getting around to telling you all about my fourth week here. It's been a lot of the same, just getting things ready for the sports camp just two weeks away now, as well as lining things up for the missions conference a few weeks following the sports camp. I did get to take a midweek trip into the city last week to take registration forms by some of the elementary schools and the library near the community where we're doing the sports camp. That was the first time I had been downtown on a week day. I was sure to leave late in the morning to miss all the traffic!
Last Sunday night I got to go back down to the city again and watch game 6 of the NBA Finals with Horace. That was a lot of fun too. His little girls are so sweet and I love spending time with him and his family. Needless to say, Horace educated me all about basketball and the NBA. He told me about Lebron "Lames" and Chris "Gosh" and Dwyane "Fade."He's a Heat hater, but I got him to quiet down a bit when I showed him I could talk trash too when I started talking about Joe "WackO." Anyway, even though the Heat lost, it was a blast. This past Saturady he and I went on another bike ride. We didn't go quite as far this time, but we had some pretty good discussion. I can tell that the Holy Spirit is present and at work in his life. Despite being a relatively new Christian, Horace is familiar with what Scripture says and seems to have a lot of wisdom regarding its teachings. It was really interesting to hear his perspective, and he taught me a lot Saturday.
The big news of the week is that Jeremy and Pastor Aaron have placed on me the responsibility to present the Gospel each night after the sports camp. Every night after everyone goes through camp, we will gather them together and present the Gospel to them before hotdogs and fellowship. I feel a burden to present the Gospel in a way that the kids will be able to understand and that will plant seeds in their lives that will be at some point be harvested into souls for the Kingdom. Many parents will be listening as well, so I hope to present the Gospel in such a way as to reveal to them their need for a savior. I feel completely inadequate. We're expecting around 200 kids. I've never spoken to more than 30 max, but I am encouraged that it is not me who is speaking, but the Holy Spirit who will be speaking through me. I started reading David Platt's new book just in time. In the opening section of the third chapter Platt speaks of the power of the Word of God in the Gospel. He talks about how inadequate he felt when Brook Hills asked him to be their pastor. It was an encouraging word that gave me confidence in the Holy Spirit and the power of the Word to present the Gospel to these kids and their parents.
Obviously your prayers as I prepare to share the Gospel four times in two short weeks would be very much appreciated. Just pray that God would continue to empty me of myself and fill me with the Holy Spirit, and that I would not take lightly the handling of the Gospel.
Also, Friday I get to take a trip with the youth group on their youth retreat. I'm not sure of all the details, but I haven't had a lot of interaction with the youth at the Laurel campus, so it will be something new for me. Pray that I will be able to build new relationships with the youth and pray for the youth that their relationship with Christ would be challenged and strengthened through this conference.
Your prayers and words of encouragement have been so helpful and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I know I can expect only more from you all, and I am so blessed to have so much support. Thank you again!
To God be the glory.
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